Hello, it's hiro
I was watching MLB from 2am to 5am so I'm still a little sleepy lol
So, since I went to the gym in the morning at 11:21, I'm writing MLB.
I've only slept for 2 hours
But I'm in good mood
I went to the dentist yesterday
The last time I went to the dentist, my anxiety struck me so much that I was very depressed even though I had a lot of difficulty breathing.
So I was scared to go this time
But during the two weeks before the dentist, I went to Tokyo and Osaka to rehabilitate.
Little by little, I feel like I'm overcoming anxiety.
I mean, little by little, but I'm getting more confident.
The dentist this time, I was confident in the little things I overcame during my trip to Osaka, and I was in very good mood
I was worried, but I rarely had difficulty breathing!
This is a huge step forward for me!
I feel really good since yesterday's dentist was over
Also, maybe, I feel like I understand the cause of my anxiety.
artly because of that, I'm getting more confident.
I'll be writing more about that in another blog.
If I can overcome anxiety and panic disorder, I would like to share my own experience with everyone suffering from illness and help you a little
Thank you for always reading
You are all my support.