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So sleepy...


Hello, It's hiro~           Today is a very sleepy day for some reason.         I don't know why・・         s it the influence of medicine?・・・?         I thought, so I'm trying not to take painkillers as much as possible         Today I'm going to the gym as usual, watching MLB, and relaxing at home.         So, please have a wonderful day~         Regards, hiro


Nothing to do for today


Good morning, it's hiro           It's 8:31 now, and I'm writing in my diary           I'll probably do nothing today and spend it at home           I would like to make plans to go to the Philippines.           There's a typhoon coming to the Philippines right now, and it's likely that the typhoon will come to Japan this weekend.           After that, I will choose a day when the weather looks good and go to the Philippines.       ...


Hair removal salon


I went to Nagoya early in the morning to get my hair cut.           It's a beard hair removal, but I've been going there for about 10 years lol           I go to places that are free forever, so it's amazing that I've been going there for about 10 years.           After that, I have lunch, go to the gym, and come home around 17:00.           A day goes by quickly           The weather won't be good tomorrow, so I'd ...


I want to go back to Manila already


Good morning, it's hiro         It's 10:32 now, and I'm writing in my diary         I'm going to relax at home today as always lol         After going to the Philippines, SNS got a little busy         I feel like I got more friends and fans         really thankful about that         I really want back to the Philippines asap         Since the typhoon is coming, I will choose a day when the weather is good after the typhoon ...




Good morning, it's hiro         It's 10:10 now and I'm writing in my diary         I think I'm going to relax at home today         From now on, I will watch MLB, and after that I will read books and watch anime           It's been a long time since I've had a holiday, so I'm happy           Anyway, I'm really happy that I was able to overcome the plane           The range of options has widened significantly     ...


Hospital day


I went to the hospital today for the first time in two months.           Panic disorder, depression hospital so its psychiatry           It's been two years since I went to the hospital.           I talked with the doctor about various things, such as the fact that I had recovered considerably.           I had to wait for 3 hours so it was painful though lol           It was nice to talk with the doctor         So, I will ...


i really love philippines


Today is the second day after returning from the Philippines.           i already miss the philippines           I don't have a girlfriend, but I want to go back to the Philippines regardless of that.           In the Philippines, there are many warm-hearted people.         And they are talkative           I'm thinking about going to the Philippines again next week.       Regards, hiro


I think I overcame my panic disorder


Hello, it's hiro           It's 12:44 now, and I'm writing my diary           Thoughts after a trip to the Philippines           It seems that I have overcome my panic disorder.           I'm really happy           I am no longer afraid to board an airplane           I'm scared if it shakes           that's how normal people feel           No more claustrophobic panic attacks           I ...


a day coming back to Japan


Today, I took a flight from Manila at 1:30 in the early morning and returned to Japan.           From April of this year, Jetstar has changed from Manila Terminal 1 to Terminal 3.         I don't really like Terminal 1, so it was good         So, when I go to the Philippines from now on, I'm thinking about staying at the Hilton on the last day.         I returned to Japan safely, went home, slept, and when I woke up, it was already 19:00 lol     ...


Day 5 in PH


Time flew by and today is the last day in the Philippines.           Today, I ate breakfast as usual, went to the pool, cleaned up my room, and checked out around 14:00.           Then I went to Divisoria         After that I went to Robinson and finally to BGC.         Then, I was surprised at the speed of development of BGC           I fell in love with BGC           If possible, I would like to live in BGC ...