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I booked a plane ticket to Manila in the Philippines yesterday.           I will be going to the Philippines for 15 days from October 9th to 24th.           It's quite long but I'm looking forward to it         Regards, hiro    


It's good to hear your complaints, but think about how much you complain.


Today is nothing special day         I heard that my friend had depression.           At the same time as pity feels         Considering my symptoms, I wanted to do what I could to help.           then           I got tired because I heard so many complaints all day long lol   Regards, hiro


Maybe I'm getting used to injections


Hello, it's hiro           It's been a day since I got the corona vaccine yesterday.           I don't have a fever this time and I feel fine.           It's my 5th time so I guess my body is used to it.           Well, I'm glad this will be the last time.           I hate injections lol           For now, I'm taking a rest today.     Regards, hiro


this fingers are cute though


good evening, it's hiro         I got the covid shot today.         this is 5 time         There seems to be a charge for anything beyond this, so I won't take it after the 5th time.         Also, I went to the dentist.         I've always wanted to go so I'm glad I went         The sky is so clear today~     Regards, hiro


Still unstable for the time being


For some reason, the Japanese and English posts posted yesterday were reversed. .           Sorry, I don't know how to fix it so I'll leave it as is lol           I guess no one will see it anyway lol           As of today, I'm planning to go to the Philippines next time on October 9th.           I actually want to go sooner.         Well, I don't know what will happen next.           I feel like I wish ...




今日も何もない1日です笑           何もしなさすぎて書くことなくなってきました笑           今日は映画みて過ごそうかなって感じです           それではまた明日書きますね   Regards, hiro  


Nothing to do


Hello, it's hiro           I have nothing to do for today           In other words, when I'm in Japan, it's usually a day of nothing lol.         I'm doing well today.         Regards, hiro


cinnamon roll


good morning, it's hiro           Today is also a day to do nothing.           Please feel free to contact me             Depending on her reply, I will decide whether to go to the Philippines next month.             I have one free day today, so if you have free time, please contact me.   Regards, hiro

no image


Grilled meat


Today, I went to Yakiniku with my parents and sister for the first time in a while.           It's been a really long time           Family is nice after all           I started remembering things from the past.           I love my family the most           I don't like or like anything without the first one. Regards, hiro


A day that passed by in the blink of an eye


Well, the day after I went on a trip to Tokyo or Osaka.           It goes by in a blink of an eye           The day ends without doing anything           So, its done today lol   Regards, hiro