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Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH


The day I was wondering whether to go to the Philippines


12:45 now for today           I'm thinking about going to the Philippines on the 9th.           I could go, but           I want to set my scheduled return date to the 28th.           It's long, isn't it?           Because the 9th to the 28th is the 20th, right?             20 days is 3 weeks.             It costs at least 5,000 yen a day for accommodation.           ...


3 days prior going to Philippines


I'm going to the Philippines in 3 days.           I don't have a good relationship with my girlfriend right now.             I'm thinking about changing my schedule.             I'm going to the dentist today           If we can reconcile, I'll go to the Philippines, but if I can't, I won't go.   Regards, hiro


nothing special day


Today is the last day of the three-day holiday           I don't like going out on holidays, so I'm a stable shut-in my house.           I'm going to do nothing today           I went to Fukui Dandan yesterday so I'm tired.             So , I will write something tom   Regards, hiro


Echizen Daibutsu


Today is the second day of a three-day holiday             So, I went to Fukui prefecture.             Echizen Daibutsu I always go to             It was fun to talk to you in detail.             I'll go again           Regards, hiro


I'm mentally tired


Today was nothing special day           I've been feeling really tired lately.             mentallly・・             But I have no choice but to do my best, so I'll do my best.             Regards, hiro


A day with nothing


Today is a day of nothing           I want to get married someday             I don't have anything to write about, so I'll write again tomorrow.   Regards, hiro




today is halloween           However, I have never celebrated Halloween before.             this year is same             No matter what I do lately, I don't enjoy it.             and I can't sleep at all   Regards, hiro




I stayed at a hotel in Nara, so I will stop by Kyoto today and then return to Aichi Prefecture.             After her sudden change last night, it wasn't fun at all.             How can she hurt people so easily?           Is it because she is young or not?             I do not understand   Regards, hiro


It's sad even traveling to Kyoto


I went to Kyoto and Nara from tonight.             It was fun to go to Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara.             I was able to go to the curry shop that I wanted to go to.             After all, Japan is fun           I feel at home             Late at night, my gf suddenly became really bad on me and it was hurt me so much             It's hard to be pushed ...




today is saturday             I haven't heard from you again since today.             I'm worried             and sad             There's no point in thinking about it, but I've been thinking about it all day.             I think I'm going to get another sick   Regards, hiro