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Should I buy a house?


Hello, it's hiro~         What I am gonna do today??         I don't do anything as usual lo         What I am thinking is         As a major premise to go abroad         About whether I should buy a house in Japan or not         I'm planning to come back to Japan about once every two months         Is it better to have own house in Japan or not?         I can only borrow a lot ...

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I am gonna marry with Netflix


Hello, it's hiro~         Is it the last day of Golden Week today? I wonder         Some people are up to the 8th, but I think most people will have the last day of Golden Week today.         So, I went to the gym in the morning as usual, it was a little crowded.         By the way, I will relax at home today as well.         I am addicted to watch Love ft Marriage & Divorce, which is Korean drama😊       It ...

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Golden Week is an old system that must be replaced with inefficiency


Hello, it's hiro         Japan is in the middle of Golden Week today         I think it's the most exciting now         I always go to the gym after waking up in the morning, but it usually took about 10 minutes to get there, but today it took about an hour lol         Golden week         There is no problem with this accuracy itself, but I want everyone to stop resting all at once.         Even if it is infrastructure, it is ...

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3 months left


Hello, it's hiro~         I'm thinking of spending a day at home today.         I drove to Atami yesterday, and tomorrow I have to go to Hamamatsu for my weekly hair removal😂         Hair loss is until July, so it's only 3 months left.         It was an all-you-can-go plan for two years, but in a blink of an eye ~         By the way, the progress is going well, and in fact it was almost completed about half a year ago.       ...

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I went to Atami and Izu


Hello, it's hiro~         Yesterday, I drove to Atami and a roadside station named Marine Town in Izu.           The purpose is to eat my favorite seafood bowl         Even so, things that cost 2000 yen or 3000 yen or more are too expensive to eat for me,         Makanai Don, a specialty of the Bang Bang restaurant in Marine Town         I like this meal bowl so much that I've been here more than 10 times❤️         The price is ...

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I stop using Facebook for a while


Today, a cosplay event is being held in the Philippines for the first time in 3 years~         I really wanted to go, but it costs about 5 times as much as the normal flight fee,         Covid19 is still scary to me so I gave it up this time         Actually, Corona isn't scary,         I have many opportunities to meet my parents         If I become positive for corona and pass on to your parents and your parents are in trouble     ...

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I don't like GW much


Hello, it's hiro         Golden Week starts from today         It was from yesterday actually, but the weather wasn't good yesterday, and it was a holiday, but it was Friday, so it seems that there were still quite a few people working.         And today is a wonderful weather         I went to the gym in the morning, but the traffic around Toyokawa and Gamagori seemed to be congested😂         When I tried to ship the sold parcels, I saw a traffic jam, so I ...

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OMG!terrible! I'm fat!


Hello, it's hiro~         As the title says, it's YABAI YO!!         I'm getting pretty fat😭         I go to the gym every day・・・         I know I'm relieved, and I eat too much。。         73.8 kg as of this morning!!!         🐷         I'm 180 cm tall, but personally, if I exceed 74 kg, will enter the adjustment period.         Maybe because I've been eating ice cream every day recently         There ...

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Went to Joyful to eat Hikaru original hamburger


hello, it's hiro~         Today I went to Hamamatsu on the weekly whole body hair removal day ~         So, when I went to lunch, I was at a loss and ate Gindaco Takoyaki and Joyful's Hikaru set meal😊         Hikaru's fried chicken series is very delicate (ordinary fried chicken), but the hamburger is quite delicious😊         However, the price is 1,000 yen, which is high for a family restaurant, so I wonder if I can eat it anymore.         Speaking of hamburger, there is ...

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The park front hotel is the bestっw


Hello, it's hiro~         Um, the day before yesterday? I went to Universal Studios Japan😊         I've probably been there 20 times so far, so it's not a special feeling, but this is my first time         I stayed at the most luxurious hotel among the official hotels of Universal Studios Japan named Park Front Hotel😊         Check-in time is from 15:00, but I went around 14:30         They upgraded to a deluxe room on the 16th floor❤️         My Universal Studios ...