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Hello, it's hiro         The second half of May from today! It's early~         The rainy season is coming and it feels unpleasant, it's raining today too ...         Today, MLB was over by the time I woke up from 4am, so I'm writing a diary at 10:30 am this morning.         I'm going to AUTOBACS later today         After that, stay home and relax as always         I posted one on the main blog yesterday after a long absence.     ...

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Love ft. Marriage and Divorce


Hello, it's hiro         Love ft. Marriage and Divorce, I've finished watching the whole story         It was really good, but in Season 3, the theme changed a lot, and the cast changed by 3 people.         It was some kind of strange drama         But it was interesting because there are few dramas that you can keep watching until the end.         When will Season 4 be start?         wanna watch it asap😊         What kind of Korean ...

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Hope for energy from energy of empty!


Hello, it's hiro~         It's still a little dark feeling since I went to the hospital yesterday         But I'll do my best!         I felt much better when I removed my tongue piercing last night         If the hole doesn't close, I'd love to remove the piercing all the time         If it has a positive effect on my mood         Health is the best, isn't it?         I'm writing while watching MLB at 11:00 am     ...

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I don't want to be afraid of illness


Hello, it's hiro         I went to the gym from the morning today and then went to the hospital         I explained my symptoms to a doctor in psychiatry         I couldn't explain it well, but it seems that he understood it.         To put it simply, I have extreme anxiety and it is hard to breathe.         The medicine is only a relief agent         I had my doctor prescribe a few medications and sleeping pills         Even ...

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Kikyo Shingen Mochi Pie


Hello, it's hiro~         The weather is not good today・・         I'm writing a diary while watching MLB at 11 o'clock now         After 12 o'clock, I will go to Hamamatsu for hair removal every week.         It's been exactly two years in July of this year since I enrolled the two-year all-you-can-come plan.         That's why I'll clean it up for another two months lol         I will go to hospital tom。。       I'm thinking of talking to my ...

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Can't have confident


hello, it's hiro         As usual, I went to the gym in the morning and am now writing a diary while watching MLB.         After this, the weather will be bad, so I plan to stay at home as always         I want to find out what I want to do this year.         Recently, I tend to be negative because I'm not confident in myself due to various things, but I'll do my best.         But after all, I'm losing confidence in various ways.😅 ...

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First time Rinku Premium Outlet for me


Hello, it's hiro~         Sorry for the late update. ..         I went to Osaka and arrived home after 23:00, so I was really tired even now...🥺         I went to Kansai International Airport and Rinku Premium Outlets         Rinku Outlet is my first time in my life         The impression is small, but it seems that almost everything will be available to get what we want. And it ’s good near the sea         something like that         ...

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Is the Tokai region already in the rainy season?


Hello, it's hiro~         The rainy season in Okinawa is the end of Golden Week every year, isn't it?         So, it's about a month after the rainy season in the Kansai-Kanto region.         So what's the weekly weather forecast for this week?         It's been raining for a whole week in Osaka, Nagoya, and all areas of Tokyo・・・         Forecast of all rain next week           I was thinking of going out after Golden Week・・         That's ...

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Last day


Hello, it's hiro         Today is the last day of Golden Week         The weather is really nice         But I know there is traffic, so I'm writing a diary while watching MLB, which is exactly the same situation as yesterday.         And I'm going to stay at home all the time today         I am doing social withdrawal like every day lately         When I checked the flight to Detroit in the United States (Delta Air Lines), it was 300,000 yen ...

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amazing trafic


Hello, it's hiro~           I just went to the gym in the morning, but I got stuck in a traffic jam and got tired already lol           I'm tired than exercising in the gym lol           After all it seems that I am not good at traffic jams         I was wondering if it would be crowded because it was the last weekend of Golden Week, but it was the biggest traffic jam I've ever had.           I will relax at ...