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I stop using Facebook for a while


Today, a cosplay event is being held in the Philippines for the first time in 3 years~





I really wanted to go, but it costs about 5 times as much as the normal flight fee,





Covid19 is still scary to me so I gave it up this time





Actually, Corona isn't scary,





I have many opportunities to meet my parents





If I become positive for corona and pass on to your parents and your parents are in trouble





It ’s a better way to ignore my desires





Well, as planned, I'm going to the Philippines in August





I feel a little more patience





Also, I knew the existence of a round-the-world ticket,





I wonder if it's okay to go around the world before going to the Philippines










Won't check at Facebook today and tomorrow





It looks like the photo of the cosplay event is really up.





I might become jealous





Everyone seems to be having fun and envy🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺













  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
