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DT(down time) 3 days in Korea


Today my face is swollen and it's hard, but I have to move to a hotel           It took about 40 minutes on foot from Patio 7 Hotel to Aloft Hotel.           It was quite painful because it shook the bones of my face just by going down the stairs.           But I was able to move to the hotel safely~           I will stay at this hotel from today until the 28th.   Regards, hiro


DT(down time) second day in Korea


The face is swollen the most from the 2nd to 4th day of the osteotomy downtime lol           In my case, my face became like a Tanoshingo lol           like this face lol   I still can't open my mouth wide, and blood drips even if I don't do anything.           So, I will write something Tom~         Regards, hiro  


DT(down time)first day


Today, I'm going to buy porridge, jelly, and water at the convenience store, and rest at the hotel.           I don't feel any pain, but my face feels numb and a little swollen.         I don't want to be misused, so I have a photo, but I'm not going to upload it haha       Regards, hiro


last cosmetic surgery in my life


Hello, it's Hiro         The main theme of my trip to Korea this time was to overcome airplanes.         And there was a sub-theme to challenge cosmetic surgery, which I couldn't come three years ago.           This time, I'll remove the gills a little and make it look like an anime.           Ordinary people can afford to fly, but I think there are many people who are afraid of plastic surgery.           I'm not afraid of plastic surgery at all     ...


Airplane for the first time in 3 years (panic disorder)


On April 19th, I flew for the first time in three years.         i was so scared i was shaking         It's not that I'm afraid of planes         It's not like I'm scared if I fall         I wonder if I can endure two hours in that closed space, or if I go insane         idk what to do if I can't breathe           something like that           When I boarded the plane, I got scared ...


The night before the decisive battle


Good morning, its Hiro         Yesterday, I posted on SNS for the first time in about 2 years         I will be active on SNS from now on         Because tomorrow is finally a flight to Korea           I'm really nervous, but I'll do my best to start everything!           A new future awaits when you get over it!         I haven't done anything today so I'm going to pack lol           I will stay in ...


Shizuoka Airport is really far~!!


Good evening, I'ts Hiro         It's 19:47 now, I'm writing my diary         The day after tomorrow is finally the day to leave Korea         I'm so nervous right now         To be honest, I don't want to go, I want to run away         Even so, if I run away now, my future possibilities will be cut off         So I will do my best         Today I drove to Shizuoka Airport and left my car in the ...




Good morning, I'm Hiro         It's 19:40 now, and I'm writing in my diary         I was so busy in the morning that I didn't write a diary         I met Hikaru today         he is handsome         I want to be called handsome someday too lol   Regards, Hiro


Mom will be absent for 4 days from today.


Good morning, it's Hiro         It's 9:02 now, I'm writing my diary         I haven't gone to the gym today         My mother just left for Miyazaki         She will be gone for four days from today, so I have to make dinner and clean up.           But its okay I'm used to it           I haven't eaten lunch in about two weeks in a low           2 meals a day           ...


hair salon in Hamamatsu


Good morning, it's hiro         It's 9:05 now, and I'm writing in my diary         I'm going to go to the hair salon today         I'll probably be back around 6pm         I'm going to Korea next week, so I'll prepare what I need           I don't really need anything though lol           I'm going to meet Hikaru the day after tomorrow, so I'm nervous, but I'm looking forward to it           Well then, let's go ...