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permanent makeup


Good morning, it's hiro         It's 8:33 now, and I'm writing in my diary         Today I will watch MLB and relax at home         And tomorrow late at night (early morning the day after tomorrow) I will go to Tokyo.         It is for removing stitches in the mouth.         I'm looking forward to it because removing the stitches makes rice easier to eat.         The appearance is also very little by little, but I feel that my face has become ...


my dog's birthday~ May 2th


Hello, it's hiro         It's 12:55 now, and I'm writing in my diary         I wrote down my diary from April 19th to May 1st, summarizing yesterday and today.         this is the last one lol           I'm writing a diary while watching baseball           Today is my dog's 1st birthday           I'm glad that she liked the stuffed toy that I bought as a gift in Korea.           Let's continue to live together on ...




It's May~           I will take a plane to the Philippines on the 17th.         But to be honest, I still have myself wondering if I should really go.         For the time being, the facial stitches will be removed on May 5th.         There are 3 stitches inside the mouth, so I couldn't eat well, but if the stitches are removed, it will be a little better.           I just hope the blood doesn't squirt lol           It ...


I miss Korean food on the 10th day of downtime


Good morning, it's hiro           Today is the second day since I came back to Japan from Korea.           It's still the 10th day of downtime, so there's still 6 months left lol           The pain in my face is much less now.           I miss Korea because I ate a lot of delicious food in Korea.           Bowser was delicious~           I thought it was porridge, but it was a little different and delicious.   ...


Thoughts on the first day after returning to Japan


Good morning, it's hiro           I returned to Japan from Korea at 17:00 yesterday.           I stayed in Korea for 10 days.           I was able to complete my mission successfully!           to board an airplane           The way out was so scary           I was scared at first on the way back to Japan           The plane didn't fly for 40 minutes because of the delay, and I was scared the ...


The last day of Korea and the day of flight going back to Japan


today is the last day in korea             It's the last day, but I'm pretty busy due to my schedule             Wake up at 6am and see a doctor at 9am           Then, the eye stitches are removed and the face is treated with soothing care.           then hurry back to the hotel           I want you to pick me up at the airport           When I arrive at the airport, I go to ...


DT(down time) for 7 days and a day before going back to Japan


Today is the 7th day of downtime           On the 28th, I returned to Japan.           i'm so nervous right now           The face where the pain hasn't disappeared yet         And more than that, I have to get on a plane again           It cannot be said that the flight from Japan to Korea has conquered the plane           I don't really remember what happened           I remember telling the flight attendant, ...


DT(down time)for 6 days


Today is the 6th day of downtime           My jaw hurts, but everything else doesn't hurt as much           I'm looking forward to it when its done           I ate Seolleongtang today           For the first time in my life following yesterday's chicken soup           I thought it was udon, so it was udon lol           But it tasted like Korea and was really good           I want to eat Seolleongtang next ...


DT(down time)for 5 days in Korea


Today is the 5th day of downtime           The doctor will follow up tomorrow on the 26th         Downtime limits what you can do, but I like this time relatively.         Today I ate ginseng chicken soup for the first time in my life.         It was really Yummy~!!!         Next time I come to Korea, I will eat 100% Samgyetang         It was one of the top 10 delicious things I ate in my life.         So, ...


DT(down time) four days


The 4th day was the hardest.         But when I'm in Korea, there are various temptations.         I wanna feel going out,         and I could do that even though my face is like a balloon         It's not cured yet, but I'll update Regards, hiro