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When a great panic attack occurs


hello, it's hiro





I came home from Osaka last night.





It was really hard. ..





I left at 4am and headed to Osaka





When I was driving from 4 o'clock and driving Nagoya after 6 o'clock, I had a panic attack





Stoped at a nearby convenience store





Take a break for about 15 minutes and leave again





Drive for about 10 minutes and stop at the convenience store again





This time it was really hard and I took a break for about an hour





I felt so uncomfortable that I could die, and I couldn't breathe, so it was a really difficult time, but





When I took a break, it became easier little by little.





drive again





Drive for about 10 minutes and take a break agai





I was still at the Mie convenience store when I was supposed to be in Nara





I was really wondering whether to go home or go to Osaka





Even if I could get to Osaka, I wondered if I could take a break at the hotel like a house, or if I would have a hard time staying at the hotel.





Anyway, it was really painful because of a lot of "useless anxiety"





And when I got to the parking lot of Seki, it became much easier for some reason.





It wasn't 100%, but I thought I could go to Osaka, so I started again.





When I opened the window fully and put my face out and drove, it became much easier.




I'm very worried that I can't do what I used to take for granted.




I would like to thank every day for the joy of living as a matter of course.




Thank you everyone for reading







  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
