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Watching MLB


Hello, it's hiro






Finally google adsense ad restrictions have been lifted😊





It seems that it has been released or relaxed😊





I'm happy for the time being.





Today, I'm watching MLB and supporting Otani while writing this diary😊





I have lived in the United States for three years, but I was jealous of California that time because it was on the east coast and it seems its so much fun out there.





I only had to go to California once in three years,





I was happy to hear from a cute Caucasian girl at the eat and out that I started at that time.😊





Also, when I went to the bathroom, the black guy saw me twice and seems he was shocked lol





The reason is that I went to the men's toilet, so it seems that I was seen by women lol






well, i'm used to it though lol





Also, when I went out from eat and out, I had a conversation with a nice homeless guy.





It was nice to meet a lot of people just by being in USA.





I miss America





Now Otani hit a No. 3 2 run home run! !! !!





Really too amazing










Today will be the same as yesterday, read a book and relax at home








  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
