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Potato chips


Hello, it's hiro





Today I went to a beauty salon for the first time in 2 months and had my hair cut.





I don't really like the act of getting people to cut my hair, so it's not that fun,





Well cost performance was good so I'm glad.





As soon as I entered the beauty salon, there were three police officers rushing to the beautician, so I was really surprised.





So, I spent 2000 yen at MUJI just for the parking fee,





I went to Costco and wanted to buy potato chips, so I bought it





Today was a satisfied day❤️





After that, I exchanged 1 million yen for dollars.





As of today, it's 126 yen to the dollar, but I don't think 126 yen is the top





Probably, I expected to go through until about 135 yen as it is,





If it is 1 million yen, the difference of 1 yen will turn it into 10,000 yen.





Also, as the yen depreciates, it makes me feel a little dark, so





If the yen depreciates, it will be a plus if you exchange money, so I feel like aiming for a resting effect.




I don't understand what I'm saying lol





Well, See you tomorrow







  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
