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Lose too today


hello, it's hiro





I'm late to write today. ..





It's 18:30 now. I went to Hamamatsu for lunch today.





On my way to Hamamatsu, my heart is in good shape and I'm really happy recently.





I really think that this should continue forever.





However, when I went to a bookstore in my neighborhood yesterday, there were signs that my mind was a little out of balance, so I thought it would be difficult to control.





However, I didn't lose my balance in my mind, and the fact that I was able to control it myself, although it was barely possible, gave me a little confidence.





I watched MLB today as always, but the Angels lost 11 games in a row. ..haha





I hope they will win tomorrow.





I'm planning to stay at home tomorrow, and I'm hoping to go to Osaka if I can go next week.





When I went to Osaka last time, my mental balance was the worst, so I would like to rehabilitate with exposure therapy so that I can control my mental balance myself.





Traveling used to be fun for me, but now it's a challenge.





Long drive, tunnel, train, etc.





The original pleasure of rehabilitation and travel to control the balance of one's mind with terrible anxiety.





Last time I couldn't sleep at a hotel in Tokyo and spent the night on an outside bench, so I would like to revenge in Osaka.





Thank you everyone for always reading.





This site has only been introduced to about 5 people, so I think it's about 2 or 3 people reading it.

















Kairu, Astra, thank you always.





Everything you read and comment on gives me confidence.





I'm not alone.





I'm really grateful because my mind is out of balance right now, but I'll never forget it when I'm back in good condition, really










  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
