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internet cafe day for me todayyyy


Hello, it's hiro           I'm writing a diary at 10:45.           It's a little late today. ..         I went to the gym in the morning and came back.         It took me a while because I made an additional purchase of NETFLIX from Turkey via VPN.         I was able to purchase 100TL for $ 6.66, so I was able to purchase Netflix Premium for about 2 months, so it's cheap.         Turkey is the cheapest country in the ...

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A day when nothing but the sofa sold


hello, it's hiro         I'm writing a diary at 10:27 now~           It's about the usual time           Today, MLB starts at 10:28, so I watched it, and after that, I picked up the sofa after noon, and after that, I felt nothing.           After selling the sofa, I might go to a manga cafe depending on the time           But maybe I won't go           If you go to lunch time, you can stay for about ...

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Sofa and table


Hello, it's hiro         I'm writing at 10:23 now.         MLB will start at 10:28 today, so after that, I have no plans.           The weather is not good either. ..           Tomorrow, the sofa I used was sold at the auction the day before yesterday, but I will pick it up, so I will handle it in the morning.           The sofa sold for about 100,000 yen.           I feel lucky because I can clean it up ...

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Beard Hair Removal Day


good evening, it's hiro           I'm writing at 21:25 now.           Sorry I'm late. .. ..         As you know, I usually write right after I wake up in the morning and go to the gym, but today I didn't have much time in the morning and it wasn't until I came back from going out;           I went to Nagoya today.           I go to beard hair removal once every 5 months.           It's laser hair ...

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Takeru vs. Tenshin and Yarman vs. Ashizawa are today


Hello, it's hiro         I'm writing at 10:24 now.         It's nice weather today, I'm writing now in the morning after gym.           The long-awaited "Takeru Tenshin Battle" today! !!         It's a lot of fun, but I don't think I'll watch it for about 6000 yen for PPV.         When it's over, tomorrow I'll be watching videos on Youtube already, right?         So I don't buy PPV.         Watching Mikuru Asakura's video, I found a place where ...

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The car may have been overcome


Hello, it's hiro         I'm writing at 10:22 now.         MLB will start from 11 o'clock today, so I have no plans after that, so I will relax at home.         Recently, things haven't sold very well at auctions, so I thought I'd change the price or relist.           I wonder if I should read a book that I haven't read yet.           speaking of my mental balance, after one day yesterday, I realized that I was able to completely overcome the car. ...

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Pillows that don't need sheep are hard to use


Hello, it's hiro         I'm writing at 10:18 now         Today, I will watch MLB from 11:00, go to a local set restaurant for lunch at 12:00, and then come to Hamamatsu.         As I wrote in my diary yesterday, I when to see the dentist.         The third dentist since my mental got out of balance         The first time was really terrible and it was hard to breathe in the waiting room         The second time was a lot easier, ...

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dentist day


hello, it's hiro           I've noticed that fewer people are reading it again lately, but I'll keep writing for myself           I got up at 7am today (a little oversleeping) and went to the gym           I'm writing now at 10:09           After that, watching that MLB will start from 11 o'clock, I will also clean up the house           I'm going to the dentist around 14:00           The dentist two times ago was really the ...

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I went to 'Ikinari steak' for the first time


hello, it's hiro~         I'm writing a diary at 10:37 now         I went to the gym in the morning, got home at 9 o'clock, and then looked up the VPN         VPN is quite deep, isn't it?         MLB starts at 11 o'clock, so after seeing it, I read a book         Also, since Lexus is gone, I'm thinking of customizing the existing car as conveniently as possible.         I have a dentist appointment tomorrow         I'm really ...

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The day when I recovered a little confidence (Thank you Osaka~)


Hello, it's hiro         I'm writing at 11:26 now         Today is a day off for MLB, so it's not fun fufu         I went to Osaka yesterday on a day trip and I'm tired, and I have nothing to do so I'll relax at home all day today.         I think again that Lexus is gone and I miss it         I've spent the most money on cars in my life so far         Maybe I spend about 50 million yen ...