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Takeru vs. Tenshin and Yarman vs. Ashizawa are today


Hello, it's hiro





I'm writing at 10:24 now.





It's nice weather today, I'm writing now in the morning after gym.






The long-awaited "Takeru Tenshin Battle" today! !!





It's a lot of fun, but I don't think I'll watch it for about 6000 yen for PPV.





When it's over, tomorrow I'll be watching videos on Youtube already, right?





So I don't buy PPV.





Watching Mikuru Asakura's video, I found a place where I couldn't understand the meaning of 100% guarantee up to $ 100, so I bet $ 100 on Tenshin for the time being.






this is the one





BeeBet is a system for spending money for bidding to any sports





I want Takeru to win, but I feel like I bet on Tenshin for some reason.






I'm looking forward to it for the time being.






I'm so excited that I've been watching videos of Ryusei Ashizawa's fighting trip since yesterday.






I became a fan of Ryusei Ashizawa lol




It looks interesting whether Ashizawa win or lose.





For the time being, I enjoyed watching martial arts!





The balance of my mental is unchanged.





In other words, it's good.





I want to overcome buses, long trains, and planes quickly.





However, it is meaningless to take a short trip in vain, and it costs money, and there are many days when the weather is not good, so I think about it.





For the time being, on June 19, 2022, I am still alive





I'm happy to be with my parents for now








  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
