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Still thinking~


Good morning, it's hiro





It's 9:47 now, and I'm writing my diary





I'm going to watch MLB later today and then go to the gym





The order is different than usual because I overslept lol





I have a real problem right now, nnm its not a prob tho





I wonder if I should go to the Philippines next week





No specific reason or plan





I don't want to get bored when i go there






I want to look around the condo





I don't have a plan every day





Also, I'm scared if I end up spending time alone in a hotel lol





If I don't fix my such a lonely personality, there is a possibility that it will go in a bad direction lol






It was a Saturday morning when I thought about that~







  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
