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scared of trains


I went around a lot by train today






As I wrote in my previous diary, the purpose is to overcome the train.






Among people with panic disorder, there are people like me who can't breathe or get scared just by getting on a train.






I'm glad I tried this train trip






Departing at 8:00, I was able to go to various places by train until after 18:00.






I got sick many times along the way, but somehow I managed to achieve it.





Sideways trains are unsuitable, but I realized that I can ride forward-facing trains with relative peace of mind.





I'm honestly surprised by the difference





There were a lot of things, but if I write in detail, I won't be able to finish it, so I'll stop.





For the time being, I'm relieved that I was able to clear the first barrier





Thinking about various checkpoints myself, I found out that there are about 20 checkpoints, the first step






I want to prepare for going to Korea next month.




  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
