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wala day


Good morning, it's hiro~





It's 10:27 now, and I'm writing in my diary






I woke up in the morning as usual, went to the gym, and just came back






I don't plan on doing anything today






I have a reservation for the Hilton Nagoya the day after tomorrow, but I'm thinking of canceling it






I haven't been to Osaka lately, so I want to travel to Osaka instead






I plan to go to Karuizawa next week






I have time today, so please contact me if you want to call me lol






Recent favorite cica cream mist with panget face lol








  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
