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full recovery


good afternoon, it's hiro






It's 21:15 now, and I'm writing in my diary.






Today I took care of my dog in the morning and went to two housing centers in the afternoon





Two companies: R Gallery and Yamada Homes





R-gallery, I just liked it





The estimate was higher than I expected





Was it one of the candidates?





So far, there are three companies: Panasonic Homes, Daiwa House, and R Gallery





Sumitomo Forestry and Sekisui House are also hard to throw away, but they are a little expensive





I don't think Hebel House and Sekisui Heim is good much





It's fun to be able to learn various things about housing.





Ah, the aftereffects of the covid vaccine have completely recovered





Sorry to worry





Please spend a wonderful night everyone~💙








  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
