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I'm going to Citta Napri for today


hello, it's hiro





I'm writing a diary at 10:06 now





The weather is fine from morning today.





It seems that the rainy season will start tomorrow.





Then it will be sunny day every day again, so I'm happy.





I've watched MLB since 5am today, so I just went to the gym and came back home now.





From now on, I will go for a drive near the villa I owned a long time ago.





i thought i wanted to see the beach





Today is a very hot day.





Summer in Japan is hotter than in the Philippines, but it is still hot today in some places where the maximum temperature is close to 40 degrees Celsius.





So, I will go out with sunscreen firmly.





I haven't stayed at all this month for some reason, so I'd like to go on a trip somewhere at least twice in July.





Then, please spend a wonderful day.





Thank you for reading my diary today.





Thank you every day, really😊









  • この記事を書いた人


Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH
