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Iphone14 Pro and Apple watch8


Good morning, it's hiro~           I didn't know today is Saturday😂           It's 10:59 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           I went to the gym in the morning, and now I'm writing a diary while watching MLB.           There was a new product presentation of apple yesterday, and as a result of thinking a lot, I bought it lol           Iphone14 Pro and Apple watch8           I was thinking of buying Airpods, but I'm ...


apple new products ... nnm, which one to buy?


Good morning, it's hiro~           It's 10:07 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           Apple's new product launch is on September 7th, and I'm thinking of buying an apple watch, but I'm wondering if I should buy an iphone14 pro.           I'm currently using 3 or 4 apple watches, so it's been about 3 years since I started using it, so I feel like it's time to replace it.           My iphone is 12, so it's only been 1 year and 3 months ...




good evening, it's hiro~             It's 18:47 now, and I'm writing in my diary.             I stayed at the Hilton Nagoya today and came back.             and I swam 500 meters from 10 o'clock           500 meters is hard lol           but it was really fun^^           On the way back home, I was stopped by a Hilton Vacation sales person, and I decided to participate in the Hilton Vacation information session next ...


I will go to Hilton Nagoya after stopping by the housing center


Good morning, it's hiro           It's 7:57 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           I overslept today and got up at 6:00           I wanted to leave the house at 9 o'clock, so I passed on going to the gym in the morning.           So now I am writing a diary.           I'll be ready to leave home in about an hour.           So, after stopping by the housing center, I will stay overnight at ...


I am fat~! (75.6kg)


Good morning, it's hiro~           It's 9:55 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           I weighed myself last night and it was 75.6kg! haha           The most weight in my life lol           I was impatient😅           So, I've increased my 1km run at the gym since yesterday           When I weighed myself a while ago, it was 73.5kg.           2.1kg lost^^           I think my best ...


Doing nothing dayyyyy


Good morning, it's hiro~           It's 10:05 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           I went to the gym this morning and just got home.           Today's schedule is that the courier will come to pick up the package after this, so I'll just hand it over.           I will stay at the Hilton Nagoya the day after tomorrow.           I could have stayed at there more, but I had a lot of things to do at the hospital ...


cancer screening day


Konnichiwa, it's hiro           It's 17:43 now, and I'm writing in my diary           I went to the gym this morning           then went for cancer screening           After I got home, I watched MLB and was late in writing my diary😅           I played 12 extra games for about 5 hours, so I was so focused that I couldn't write my diary lol           I got an injection today, and there's an event outside, so ...


hospital for depression (my weakness..)


good morning, it's hiro         It's 10:52 now, and I'm writing in my diary.         I went to the hospital for depression yesterday.         It was so busy that it took me 3 hours ...           For the time being, I'm glad it ended safely.           New medicine has been added this time, so I hope it gets better soon.           I have a cancer screening tomorrow.           I will be screened for colon cancer, ...


i'm going to the hospital


Good morning, it's hiro           It's 10:20 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           The hospital's reception time is until around 11:20, so there's only about an hour left lol           So, I'm really sorry, today is short, but that's about it.           I'm going to the hospital now           I'm not very enthusiastic about it, but nothing has changed since I went there last time. ....         Regards, hiro


negative thinking


good morning, it's hiro~           It's 10:14 now, and I'm writing in my diary           I woke up before 5am today           I played with my dog for 2 hours in the morning, then went to the gym and just came back.           I will go to the hospiutal tom and the day after tomorrow, so I feel like I should do as much as possible today.           Recently, when I think about the future, I tend to become negative, ...