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stay at home day 2


good morning           I'm watching MLB now           Dog and answering machine today           I haven't been out of the house for about 4 days recently, so I'm feeling depressed lol             I wanna go somewhere soon~   Regards, hiro            




good morning           My parents left for the airport early this morning.           From today onwards, I'll be at home alone           I'm not alone, I'm two with my dog actually           Actually, I went to the airport and went to the Philippines.           For the time being, I'll do my best to stay at home         Regards, hiro    




Today, or rather, today was a day where I didn't do anything lol           For the time being, my mother's sister died           I messed around and made adjustments           calmed down a bit           My parents are going to Kyushu by plane tomorrow.           I'll be home for a while from tomorrow           i want to go to philippines           But I'm glad that I could help my parents     ...




Good morning           Today, when I woke up in the morning, I heard from my mother that my mother's sister had died.           So there will be a lot of changes in our upcoming plans.           For the time being, reservations for plane tickets and transportation to the airport will be added.           And I need to stay at home with Chako           I thought it would be interesting to go to the Philippines as a surprise on the 24th. ...


nothing to do


Today is a normal day             I have nothing to do, so I watched a drama for the first time in a while           best teacher           It's pretty funny, so I want you to try it once           I want you to like Japan even a little   Regards, hiro


still sad


Since I stopped going to the Philippines, I suddenly have nothing to do lol           So I went to see the waterfall.           When your mind is unstable, it is important to look at nature and calm your mind           it was really nice place           i was healed           What should I do now           I lost my desire to go and live in the Philippines           If this feeling becomes ...




I canceled my trip to the Philippines yesterday and changed it to the 19th.           19th changed to 24th             For the time being, I still haven't given up hope           If you don't change the schedule, the ticket will be wasted.           I can't get on an airplane if my feelings aren't stable             I'm worried about living alone in the country   Regards, hiro




good morning, its hiro         I had a very unpleasant and painful experience yesterday😭           I won't say what happend           It's going to be painful, and by telling people, they will get it too           anyways, what I decided is           I have stopped coming back to ph this month           I love the Philippines, but I felt that my illness was going in a very bad direction.           I hope the ...


ohayo gozaimasu


今日も台風の影響が残っているので、家でゆっくりしようと思います。         フィリピンでの滞在先も予約したいです         フィリピンではあまりすることがないので、近いうちに他の国に行きたいと思っています。         今週日曜日のメガモールのイベントで着物コンテストの審査員に選ばれたので頑張ります。         それでは、また何か書きますね         Regards, hiro  


Typhoon is here huhu


A typhoon is hitting today;         The typhoon is not that strong, but the cold is still very strong.         Oh, I changed my trip to the Philippines from the 17th to the 19th.         I haven't thought about the effects of the typhoon and where to stay.         Also, simply because I didn't have much to do lol Regards, hiro