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Good morning, it's hiro         I plan to do nothing today         I will  issue plane tickets to the Philippines, e-travel, etc.         Today I posted on Facebook for the first time in a while, and I was happy that everyone remembered me🥺           Of course, not everyone remembered it, but I think about 60% of people remembered it         I'm looking forward to going back to the Philippines           In order to meet everyone's expectations, I will go to ...


5 days until departure to the Philippines~


Good morning, it's hiro         It's 9:21 now, and I'm writing in my diary         I haven't been to the gym for three weeks today         i want to go to the gym asap         However, it is said that strenuous exercise is not allowed for at least one or two months.           May 20th will be exactly one month.         I think I'll see how things go for the next 8 days.         I'm getting real about ...


I went to Fukui Prefecture


Good morning, it's hiro           I went to Fukui Prefecture at 4:30 in the morning today           The destination is Seidaiji Temple. Where all the dogs I've ever had sleep           I come every season and decided to go today           It was really nice to be able to visit           I've said it many times, but I love animals more than people           Animals give me asexual love, and since they are weak beings, I ...


what i think now


Good morning, it's hiro         It's 8:48, I'm writing my diary         Today is May 10th         20 days after surgery         Originally, I was thinking that I should start going to the gym again today.         I would like to postpone it a little longer         I feel like my bones aren't firmly attached yet         Downtime may be longer than expected         I'm thinking of going to the gym again once I'm in perfect ...


1 more week until I go to the Philippines


Good morning, it's hiro         It's 12 o'clock now, I'm writing a diary         Yesterday, I slightly reviewed my schedule for going to the Philippines next week         First, I booked a hotel         Hilton offers free cancellation up to 2 days in advance if you make a reservation         5 nights free stay at Hilton Manila         I think that I will be upgraded because I use points and I am a diamond member         I'm staying in ...


I'm sorry lately


Hello, It's hiro           It's 13:01 now, and I'm writing in my diary           I'm really sorry that the update of the diary has been irregular recently. .           I have a lot of ups and downs after surgery, so I write on days when I feel better.           When my physical condition recovers soon, I think I'll try to post every day like I used to.           Also, I always put a selfie at the end of my diary. ...


What should I do··


One of my worries right now is whether or not I will go to the Philippines on May 15th.           I still want to go to the Philippines           It's been 3 years, so I'm worried about various things           I'm worried about my physical condition           Only 3 weeks of downtime yet...           I'm worried that the plane is about 4 hours one way and one person           Ah what should I do...     ...


struggle with anxiety


Immediately after the stitches were removed, I became mentally unstable           what if the pain comes back           It's more inconvenient when it's sewn with thread, but it's safe           etc etc           But after all, it's different when you go home           Home is the safest place, I can relux 100%           When I was in South Korea, I enjoyed traveling and staying at a hotel, so I didn't feel any pain, probably due to ...


Tokyo, for the first time in a while


Today I came to Tokyo for the first time in about 2 months to remove the stitches.           After all, Tokyo is nice           However, because it's Golden Week right now, it was extremely crowded           Still better than Manila in the Philippines tho lol           It wasn't that hot yet, so I enjoyed Tokyo           I can't eat hard food yet, so I went to a rice porridge shop in Shin-Okubo           In Korea, you ...


I will go to Ginza tomorrow


Hello, it's hiro         Tomorrow is finally the scheduled stitch removal date           It will be 2 weeks since surgery tomorrow.           Can I remove the stitches? Isn't it early? I'm worried..           I feel uneasy, but I feel that removing the stitches will definitely make my life easier, so I will go.           I have a reservation for Ginza-in tomorrow, so I will leave early in the morning   Regards, hiro