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Good morning, it's hiro           It's 10:07 now, and I'm writing in my diary           I will be staying at the Hilton Nagoya today.           Today is the last day and I finally reached my quota           I can spend next year and the year after next as a diamond member           I wanted to go to Ichiran again, so it was just right time             I'm leaving in about 2 hours, so I can't ...




Good morning, it's hiro         It's 10:20 now, and I'm writing in my diary         I'm relieved that my blog is almost restored         It's raining outside today and I don't have any plans, so I'm thinking of updating my blog and reading two books.         I can call you in a little while lol         Also, I recently bought a foundation at the Q10 mega discount sale, and it seems to be a popular brand in Korea.         I'm glad I ...


lost to Costa Rica


Good morning, it's hiro         It's 10:07 now, and I'm writing in my diary           I was actually planning to go to Hilton Nagoya yesterday, but I canceled it and will go on the 30th.           The reason I canceled was because I didn't finish my Korean homework           But actually, I finished submitting my assignment yesterday lol           Also, there were three books I wanted to read before going to the Hilton Hotel,           That's also ...


Soccer is so fun to watch


Good morning, it's hiro         i am writing now at 10:11         Today is Japan vs Costa Rica match~!!         I watch a lot of World Cup games, soccer is so fun!       Regards, hiro  


Busy day


henloo, it's hiro           It's 16:46 now, I'm writing my diary           was it happed the day before yesterday? Because my blog was attacked by spyware, I was restricted by wordpress           finally recovered           It It's not perfect yet, but I can barely write a diary           Today I went to the gym in the morning and came back around 10:00, and since then I've been repairing my blog all the way until 16:00           ...


I will do my best


hello, this is hiro         It's 10:56 now, and I'm writing in my diary         I suddenly have a lot of things to do huhu( ;  ; )         Submit my university assignment by the 26th         Fully restore my blog         It was quite a shock because the blog collapsed just when I started to understand the fun of blogging         Even though the number of visitors has been increasing...         It's a zero start but I'll do ...


my blog is broken..


My blog crashed...         I received an email from wordpress after 16:00 on the 24th           The customer's website is in a vulnerable state and is being attacked from overseas sites, so restrictions have been implemented         In short, I can't access my blog...         After two days, I finally recovered.         However, some photos are being deleted and various link errors are occurring...         It takes about two weeks to fully fixed         But I can write ...


Skin condition on the first day after hair removal


Good morning, it's hiro         It's 9:16 now, and I'm writing in my diary           The movie "Last Vegas" that I saw yesterday was interesting, I was immersed in the afterglow, and wondered if there would be another good movie       Please let me know if you have any recommendations         I would like to watch a comedy movie         I'm thinking of writing two blog articles today, and four books will probably arrive after 5pm, so I'm thinking of reading them.       ...


Hilton Nagoya


Good morning, it's hiro         I'm staying at the Hilton Nagoya today         watched two movies.         I enjoyed the first one!         Last Vegas       I thought it was a good movie just because Morgan Freeman was in it, and it looked fun, so I'm really glad I watched it         If you like Hangover, I recommend you try it(๑>◡<๑)         Today I will check out at 12:00 and stop by Kura Sushi on my way home.     ...


1 more day!


Good morning, it's hiro           I will be staying at the Hilton Nagoya today           If you stay one more time today, you will be upgraded to diamond status         Happy to finally be a diamond member           Let's all stay at the Hilton Hotel together lol       Regards, hiro