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i'm going to the hospital


Good morning, it's hiro           It's 10:20 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           The hospital's reception time is until around 11:20, so there's only about an hour left lol           So, I'm really sorry, today is short, but that's about it.           I'm going to the hospital now           I'm not very enthusiastic about it, but nothing has changed since I went there last time. ....         Regards, hiro


negative thinking


good morning, it's hiro~           It's 10:14 now, and I'm writing in my diary           I woke up before 5am today           I played with my dog for 2 hours in the morning, then went to the gym and just came back.           I will go to the hospiutal tom and the day after tomorrow, so I feel like I should do as much as possible today.           Recently, when I think about the future, I tend to become negative, ...


a typhoon is coming


Good morning, it's hiro           It's 11:25 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           I went to the gym this morning and just got home.           I'm writing a diary while watching MLB.           A typhoon is coming today and tomorrow, so the weather is bad and I'm going to relax at home.           I have to go to the hospital on the 2nd and 4th, so it will be a long time before I can stay at the ...


I forgot my swimsuit٩( ᐛ )و


Good morning, it's hiro~         I'm at the Hilton Hotel now, so I'll write it quickly.           Last time, stupid me forgot my swimsuit at Hilton hotel lol           So, the number one purpose of staying at the Hilton Nagoya Hotel this time is to collect the forgotten swimsuit.         It was returned to me when I checked in.         Moreover, they even did dry cleaning.           I really have nothing but gratitude for Hilton Nagoya.       ...


Sekisui House looks good(๑>◡<๑)


Good morning, it's hiro~         I'm at Hilton Nagoya now.         This time, I had something to do in Nagoya, so I stayed at the Hilton Nagoya.         I had a preview of two new houses in the morning, and they were pretty good.         Sekisui House is nice.         I want my own house someday         However, in my opinion, buying a house is the same as investing, and basically there is a tendency to lose, so when buying a house, ...


I forgot my swimsuit, I dropped my earrings in Hilton Nagoya lol


hello, it's hiro~           I forgot my swimsuit at Hilton Nagoya lol           But they told me that they will keep it properly~           I will go to the Hilton Nagoya again tomorrow, so I will be able to return it at that time.           One I get my swim pants back, I will swim again lol           By the way, I dropped my earring in the pool while swimming yesterday.           I noticed it later, ...


Hilton Nagoya


hello, it's hiro~           I'm at Hilton Nagoya today.           I've been coming to Hilton Nagoya too much lately lol           By the way, I'll be back the day after tomorrow lol           This time the purpose was to swim in the pool.           I have a lot of fun today~^^         Regards, hiro


It's raining, but I'm going back to Hilton Nagoya(^.^)


Good morning, it's hiro~           It's 9:50 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           I will go to Hilton Nagoya later today~           Almost every day? I go every week, so it's like a routine lol           Yesterday, the extension of the prefectural discount period was announced❤️           I am glad^^           So, I will go to Hilton Nagoya in September too lol           Also, I would like to go to ...




Good morning, it's hiro~           It's 10:14 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           I dropped my phone on my forehead yesterday and got a bump and it hurts。。           I was laughed at by my mother lol           I tried to watch my favorite idol's live stream while lying down, but when I tried to turn down the sound, my hand slipped and landed right on my forehead.         Well ,this is me lol(^ ^)w         ...


After Hilton Hotel


Good morning, it's hiro~           It's 9:42 now, and I'm writing in my diary.           I woke up at 4:30 today and took care of the dog until past 7:00.           I haven't been able to live in the morning, but I want to accept the current situation and make adjustments so that I can perform at my best at the moment.           I will return to normal driving today, so I will stay home as usual lol           I ...