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Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH


Is it that good?


Hello, it's hiro           I received my iPhone yesterday, so I finished setting it up in one day yesterday.           To be honest, there aren't many differences between iPhone 14 and iPhone 15. . .           but it's the newest           the newest is the best           I feel like my performance is improving in ways I don't know about.           So, I will write something tom~         Regards, hiro




My iPhone finally arrived today! ! !           I can finally use my phone number...           I had to wait a long time because it was my mistake of selling too early.           I'm glad it arrived safely.             I'll complete the setup today and get back to my normal life.             It was good anyway           I haven't heard from Sky lately・・・?         Regards, hiro




Hello, it's hiro           nnnmmmmmm〜〜〜〜           iphone15 hasn't arrived yet・・・           There are only three days left until the Philippinesーーー           Not being able to bring my iPhone to the Philippines would be extremely inconvenient.           please give me iphone           by 8             No, I don't have time to set it up even if it arrives on the 8th, so please do it by the 7th.         ...


It's getting colder and colder


Hello, it's hiro           I still haven't received my iPhone 15 today...             I haven't heard from Sky either lol             I feel like I have nothing to do today as well.           It's been getting cold lately           Philippines life starting next week           I will go to summer~   Regards, hiro




Hello, it's hiro           Ah, I haven't received my iPhone 15 po yet...           I sold my iPhone 14 pro, so I can't change my phone number.           extremely inconvenient           Iphone 15 pro has not arrived, so bad           I would like to have it shipped tomorrow...           Regards, hiro




Today is my sister's birthday           I'd like to give her a present, but I can't because it would be bad if I made her feel weird.           As Iget older, it's better to be young.             I think it's happy if they're enjoying life that much.           But the younger are better lol           My birthday is in 20 days too.         Regards, hiro

no image




October just started from today           It's my birth month too           I decided to go to the Philippines, but I started to think weather If i go or not...             But if I don't go, this month will be end up with nothing.           It's actually okay with me           I don't care about my birthday           For now, I want to make October as happy as possible.   Regards, hiro




I booked a plane ticket to Manila in the Philippines yesterday.           I will be going to the Philippines for 15 days from October 9th to 24th.           It's quite long but I'm looking forward to it         Regards, hiro    


It's good to hear your complaints, but think about how much you complain.


Today is nothing special day         I heard that my friend had depression.           At the same time as pity feels         Considering my symptoms, I wanted to do what I could to help.           then           I got tired because I heard so many complaints all day long lol   Regards, hiro


Maybe I'm getting used to injections


Hello, it's hiro           It's been a day since I got the corona vaccine yesterday.           I don't have a fever this time and I feel fine.           It's my 5th time so I guess my body is used to it.           Well, I'm glad this will be the last time.           I hate injections lol           For now, I'm taking a rest today.     Regards, hiro