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Japanese, quarter Korean / live in PH / Cosplayer / Sarary-man→ 'YURU' FIRE / Freelance / breathing loosely in the PH


6 more days


Good morning, it's Hiro         It's 12:26 now, and I'm writing my diary         I'm writing much later than usual         I haven't been able to update my main blog at all         For some reason I'm not in the mood to do anything・・・         I feel sleepy lately and I don't feel well・・・         Is it because I have all my thoughts on going to Korea next week?         yes that's right maybe...         that's ...


Its a bad weather day


Good morning, it's hiro           It's 10:13 now, and I'm writing in my diary           The weather forecast said it would rain today, but is it sunny now?           But it looks like it's going to rain after this           So, i will just relax at home           I will probably go to Fukui prefecture tomorrow.           I'm going to visit the temple           So, the day after tomorrow, I will have ...


8 more days


I went to the gym in the morning as usual and now I'm watching MLB           I will be in Korea in 8 days           I'm scared of planes           But if I overcome the plane this time           Being able to go anywhere in the world           My world is expanding from Japan to the rest of the world           I know it's very good for my mindset           I would ...


Mt. Hatta


Good morning, it's hiro         I went to the gym this morning           After that, I went to Hattasan Yakuyoke Temple           The dumplings here are delicious           It's pretty close to my house, so I went there           Because I got a bad luck charm in February           This time the purpose is a walk around there and dumplings lol           I enjoyed a lot           I love ...


1.7 kg to go! !


Good morning, it's hiro         It's 10:34 now, and I'm writing in my diary           I always write the same thing, but the 19th is approaching and I'm getting nervous. .         Anywaays, I want to lose weight to 69kg before going to Korea, so I'm doing my best.         Last night was 71.6 kg         Lose another 1.7 kg in 10 days         I'm watching MLB now         70% chance of going out tomorrow       ...


A Day when the phone cannot be used


Good morning, it's hiro         I'm glad that the weather is fine today         i went to the gym in the morning         It's 10:56 now         I'm going to watch MLB from now on lol         I'd like to go to the hospital to get some documents after this.         My phone isn't working well, so I can't connect         I am inquiring now         The performance of Rakuten Mobile is really bad     ...


A bad weather day after a long time


It looks like it's going to be a very bad weather day today           I just went to the gym and I'm writing a diary now           now 10:22           it's a same day of my birthday hahaha           I am not gonna do anything for today           I'm thinking of going to the temple tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.           still undecided though           12 days left until the 19th ...


Right now my mind is full of things about MLB lol


Good morning, it's hiro         I just got back from the gym and I'm writing in my diary         MLB started at 5am today, so I woke up at 4am lol         I don't have to wake up, but i woke up early because i was looking forward to it         Anyway, I'm glad that Ohtani won and the team won too         My Filipino friends are going back to Manila tomorrow, but unfortunately the weather is going to be the worst tomorrow     ...


The day when I don't go out


Good morning, it's hiro         It's 10:51 now, and I'm writing in my diary         Today I'm writing a diary while watching MLB lol         I was thinking of going out somewhere today, but the weather is bad and I'm going to stop after all lol         I have to go to the airport tomorrow or the day after tomorrow         Because my Filipino friend is going back to the Philippines         I have to get my pocket wifi which they borrowed ...


Kyoto was the best


hello, it's hiro         It's 12:32 now, and I'm writing in my diary           Yesterday I left at 4 o'clock in the morning and went to Kyoto           Then I came back around 2:00 am         I was awake for 24 hours and moved all the time, so I got tired, so I overslept a little today lol         Kyoto is..         The cherry blossoms were so beautiful and amazing!         I took a lot of trains ...